Tuesday 16 September 2014

Pigeon Steps into the Twittersphere and Google Sites

Last week I had the opportunity to work with a number of members of staff for a whole day on some technology based professional development.

The development day aimed to kill two birds with one stone; assisting New Scheme Teachers in gathering vital accreditation evidence as well as developing whole school resources for the schools Google Site VLE.

This led to killing four birds with two stones; as I found this the ideal opportunity to not only aid colleagues in developing their Google CloudShare skills and resources, but also set about promoting the use of Twitter as a collaborative, reflective professional development tool.

The hope is that this one day spent with 5 colleagues helps to kills a whole flock of birds with the use of just a few stones. As the experience and knowledge gained will be passed on to staff and students by the members of staff involved.

Below is the story of the day created using the Tweets and pages developed.

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